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Is That A QR Code On Your Phone?

QR code guest check-in

DECEMBER 12, 2018

Creating a great experience for visitors is also about creating a great experience for security officers. No reason for fumbling through grabbing a visitor’s ID, waiting for a scan or even a look up. With a quick scan of a bar code, the security officer can acknowledge the visitor has arrived via a text to the intended guest, print off a quick badge and send the visitor on their way.

Everyone asks why visitor management isn’t better…. A big part of the reason is that more than half the visitors who show up in the lobby are not ready. They don’t have their ID in hand, they fumble through a wallet or purse and they complain to the security officer why things are not better.

At one point, and I will never forget it, I saw a woman with large dark sunglasses standing at the concierge desk, trying to swipe her access card against the desk where there was no reader, and when asked who she was visiting, she explained that she could not remember. Within ten seconds, the visitor was screaming at the security officer, regarding what was wrong with the system. Needless to say, it was an eye-opening experience as to what security officers put up with on a daily basis.

Do you want to see a smile on a security officer? Show them the QR code on your phone for the visitor system. With SV3®, and our SV3®Passport technology in IOS Wallet, we are texting and emailing QR codes, with instructions to visitors to ready them for access. This not only assists them and creates a terrific experience, but it provides the security officer the best way to quickly process visitors.

Improve security, provide convenient solutions and generate a great sharing experience. We are all in this together. Security is a shared responsibility and a little smile, from a simple QR code, can go along way to make your operations that much better.

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