Blog | Visitor Management | 7 Common Visitor Management Mistakes

7 Common Visitor Management Mistakes


OCTOBER 21, 2019

Think about your last visitor experience. Was it easy and streamlined or was it congested and disorganized?

As technology evolves, visitors are expecting a more efficient check-in process. Here are the most common visitor management mistakes we see.

1. Utilizing Paper Logs or Forms
Scribbling your signature in a logbook is not a good look. It’s unprofessional and unsafe. Furthermore, this leads to inefficient or incomplete record keeping. At a bare minimum, your visitor management system should be digitized.

2. Inability for Employees to Pre-Register Visitors
Employees should be able to easily pre-register their visitors on their own. They shouldn’t have to email security or the building to get a visitor on the list. This maximizes your workflow’s efficiency and gives visitors a long-lasting impression of your building.

3. No integration with Access Control
Without integration to access control, visitors need to manually be let into any physical barrier, or security needs to sign in to access control to give any credentials. By being integrated, you can automatically give visitors credentials on a mobile phone or badge.

Bonus: Access Control Integration allows for temporary employee access or forgotten cards. Learn more about the benefits of access control integration here.

4. Cumbersome Check-In Process
Digitizing your visitor management system helps you avoid long lines, allows visitors to be run against watchlists, and lets security know who to expect and when.

5. No Automated or Customizable Watchlists
Watchlist integration is becoming essential for the safety of the building and everyone around it. The right system will allow you to create your own watchlists, VIP lists, and integrate to third-party lists, so you can quickly be notified when someone on a list is scheduled or shows up on site.

6. Not Having Mobile Capability
Receiving SMS invitations is becoming the norm. A system should be able to send invites and notifications via text message. Having QR Codes and barcodes via mobile for quick check-in or as an access credential is essential.

7. Having Siloed Systems
If you have multiple campuses, each building should be a subset of an overall system. Having an enterprise-wide platform allows you to view visitor volume per building. Plus, global watchlists can be implemented across all buildings.

Avoiding these mistakes will get you on the path to providing a great experience for your visitors and employees, as well as creating a secure environment.

If you’re looking for a visitor management system that can help you avoid these mistakes, click learn more about SV3 Visitor and how it can optimize your building’s efficiency.