As businesses begin their reopening process, many are looking for ways to cut expenses while implementing services and products to get back to work, but buying an inferior safety solution or security product by its very definition will be counter-productive.
And while many security products have surfaced to take advantage of this pandemic, without the credentials, the track record, or the trained deployment teams, these products might not only fail but hurt some people along the way.
Health and safety are not a light responsibility, and those who continuously work to protect their users, partners and clients stand behind products that are tried and true. So how can you support your operators to make the right choices and not be swayed by the noise or glitz of a new product?
Here are some questions to ask when browsing for a new security product or management system:
Are there active deployments?
Nothing will give you more peace of mind than hearing the software or system you are shopping for has already been vetted, tested, and is in use at many other facilities that you recognize.
Can this product integrate or is it a disparate solution?
Integrations with best-in-class access control systems are essential to the scalability and accessibility of a product. Beyond access control, there are additional business systems that should be integrated for enhanced operations and user experience. Make sure the solution you are vetting has seamless compatibility with these.
Is this product recognized?
Along with proof of deployments, integrations and connectors, certifications and recognition such as those awarded by the Security Industry Association and The Department of Homeland Security are a good way to examine if a product is ready to meet your security needs.
Does your system check these boxes? Learn how SV3 helps users meet all their requirements.